I’ve never liked the term Blog, so I’m calling this the Captain’s Log for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the Captain’s Log was used by the first explorers sailing the seven seas to record significant events which is a fitting description of how I feel about my journey and the aim of this page. Secondly, from a nostalgic POV when I retired from the Australian Army I was a Captain. Enjoy!


Sometimes in life things line up in unexpected ways to create amazing opportunities.

This time last year my 3-year-old niece, who is the same age as my daughter, was diagnosed with brain cancer. That moment changes a family forever. The diagnosis was quickly followed by brain surgery to remove the tumor, followed by 7 months of the most aggressive form of chemo a child that old can survive.

I saw first hand the impact that moments of happiness and normalcy can have on a seriously ill child and their family. It made me truly appreciate the health of my children and the importance of the time I get to enjoy with them playing and laughing.

Then, in late 2018 a dear friend and board member of Starlight called me and said the CEO role was opening up and asked if I would be interested. The intersect of my career with the personal connection to the cause Starlight serves with the challenge of growing the organization to have greater impact led me to this wonderful opportunity and next career chapter.

I’m now in the business of delivering happiness to seriously ill children and their families. My aim is to transform and build the Starlight brand, grow revenue significantly so that we can reach more kids and have a greater impact.