I’ve never liked the term Blog, so I’m calling this the Captain’s Log for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the Captain’s Log was used by the first explorers sailing the seven seas to record significant events which is a fitting description of how I feel about my journey and the aim of this page. Secondly, from a nostalgic POV when I retired from the Australian Army I was a Captain. Enjoy!

The monk who got testicular cancer

In this episode of Movember Radio, I chat to Andy Puddicombe, a meditation and mindfulness expert and founder of the hugely popular mindfulness app “Headspace”. In 2013, Andy was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Mindfulness has helped him to cope with the physical, emotional and mental impact of the illness. Prior to this, Andy undertook a ten-year journey, which took him around the world, culminating with ordination as a Tibetan Buddhist monk in Northern India.