I’ve never liked the term Blog, so I’m calling this the Captain’s Log for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the Captain’s Log was used by the first explorers sailing the seven seas to record significant events which is a fitting description of how I feel about my journey and the aim of this page. Secondly, from a nostalgic POV when I retired from the Australian Army I was a Captain. Enjoy!

FORBES: Your Moustache Could Cure Prostate Cancer: An Interview With Movember CEO Adam Garone

Perhaps you have noticed more mustachioed men in your vicinity lately, particularly around the month of November, and were wondering why the moustache was again all the rage. Inquire no more: those hairy faces are part of a worldwide movement to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancer. But “Movember” is more than just a month-long awareness campaign; it’s a movement.