I’ve never liked the term Blog, so I’m calling this the Captain’s Log for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the Captain’s Log was used by the first explorers sailing the seven seas to record significant events which is a fitting description of how I feel about my journey and the aim of this page. Secondly, from a nostalgic POV when I retired from the Australian Army I was a Captain. Enjoy!

Movember Podcast with Chris Hadfield Canadian Astronaut, Spaceship Commander


In this episode of the Movember podcast I talk with Colonel Chris Hadfield @colchrishadfield Canadian Astronaut, Spaceship Commander, and moustache aficionado.

We talk about dreaming big and literally shooting for the stars, life in space, space shuttle Columbia Disaster, fatherhood, retirement, David Bowie. 

Quotable quote: “I felt as culpable and guilty as anybody else. I was an experienced astronaut. I'd flown twice in space. I'd watched that piece of foam come off in the video and I had done nothing, just like everyone else. I didn't stand up and put my badge on the line”